What you will need:
Size 6 wide gape hook.
Size 8 Flexi-Ring Swivel
A good coated braid. Korda Kamo works very well for this rig. 
Cut around 12 - 14 inches of hook link. 
Remove 3 - 4" of the coating of the hook link.
Tie an overhand loop as shown. 
Place a 14-18mm boilie on the needle.
Pass the point of the needle through the loop.
Pass the tag end through the back of the hook.
Position your bait in the desired location above the curve of the hook. 
Wrap up the hook shank 6 turns.
Knotless knot.
This should leave you with 1 - 2" of uncoated hook link. 
Tie a figure 8 loop knot in the tail end. 
Pass the loop knot through the Flexi-Ring,
then over the top of the swivel. 
Moisten and pull tight.
Add tungsten putty to the end of the coated section of the hook link.
Enough to slowly sink the pop-up bait.
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