What you will need:
Size 6 Gardner Mugga hook.
Coated braid hook link.
Mini rig swivel, rig screw or rig ring. 
Hook stop.
Tungsten weight.
Cut around 12 - 14 inches of hook link. 
Strip off 4-5" of hook link coating.
Pass the tail end through the back of the eye.
The coating needs to be around 3/4" below the eye.
Knotless knot. 
5 wraps up the shank of the hook. 
You are looking to get the last section of the hook link that passes back through the eye to have coating on it. 
Trim off the tag end. 
Blob with a lighter if you wish. 
Add the rig swivel, rig screw or rig ring. 
Add the hook stop. Position this opposite the hook point, as shown.
Slide the tungsten weight on to the hook link. 
This needs to be 30mm away from the eye of the hook. 
Its position is an important part of the mechanics of this rig. 
Tie a figure 8 loop knot in the tail end. 

Tighten up then knots while keeping them moist. 
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